It was taking place just a short distance from Middletown in Westfall Township, Pennsylvania at Delaware Valley High School. On the website it was billed as All Girls Wrestling at 1PM.
I was in my car driving and didn’t want to miss it. There was one wrestler I just had to see. The GPS said you’ve reached your destination, turn here. The parking lot was jammed packed.
I parked. walked to the entrance. At the admissions table I paid, got the senior discount and asked if I was in the right place for the girls wrestling. They said yes sir.
I was still wondering because there were a lot of boy wrestlers there. I realized that this was a day long regional wrestling tournament for both girls and boys. With the girls to starting at 1:00 PM.
I hadn’t been to a high school wrestling event in more than 20 years when my daughter Jennifer was a cheerleader for the Middletown Wrestling Team. Now in just a few minutes her daughter, Kagan would be coming out to take part in her first match. She wrestled in three matches and got better in each one.
The Middletown Wrestlers did a synchronic warmup as a team and looked great out on the mats. All the teams got along well. The organizers of the tournament deserve congratulations on a job well done and thanks for their hard work.